Self-Leadership, Wholeness Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness Kathy Goller

Chaos Never Dies… So Here’s 5 Ways to Deal with It

November 9th is Chaos Never Dies Day. Because it's true that chaos never really dies in our lives. At best, it quiets down, or goes underground and perhaps lies dormant – but only for a time. It can – and will – reappear at any given moment or season in our lives. So here's 5 suggestions to "celebrate" today’s “holiday” and manage the chaos of our lives every day.

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Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller

Good Grief

In the Catholic tradition, today – November 2 – is celebrated as All Souls Day, a special day to remember and pray for all those who have died. It’s a feast that I didn’t pay much attention to when I was younger – let’s face it, I was probably too distracted by the delights of my Halloween candy. And luckily for me, I didn’t experience any significant losses as a child.

That changes as we age, doesn’t it?

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Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller

Nothing Brings Clarity Like a Trip to the ER

It was a fairly productive morning. A quick break for lunch. Then… a phone call that resulted in me rushing from the house and spending the rest of the day with an injured family member in the emergency room. When that phone call came, and throughout the critical moments when I was unsure about my loved one’s status, work didn’t matter. I don’t like those moments – because they are usually terrifying – but I’ll admit that they really bring home the point of Areas of Focus!

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Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller

What’s in Your Jar of Life?

One way I’ve found clarity and direction in life is to remember the Jar of Life and put it into practice in my life. Maybe you’ve seen or heard the story about the teacher who brought a large jar, some big rocks, small pebbles, sand, and water to class to illustrate an important life lesson about priorities. Our lives are the jar, and the big rocks are called Areas of Focus. If we want to lead our lives, and not just live them, we need to put those rocks in first and prioritize those parts of our lives.

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Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller

How Much Should Callings Overlap?

How much should our responses to our callings overlap? This model of calling invites us to think about our vocation as a set of three distinct (yet often interrelated) callings: the calls of faith, relationship, and work. And I suggested that we envision these callings as circles that can overlap, like a Venn diagram. So what does your “life calling diagram” look like? How much overlap is there? And most importantly, how is that working for you?

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Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller

The Changing Seasons of Callings

The three primary callings in our lives are not typically fixed or steady over our whole lifetimes. They are dynamic, and they move with the ebbs and flows of our life circumstances. if I asked what season you’re in related to the call of faith, how would you answer? At any given time, we are likely in very different seasons in each of our callings. Maybe your call of faith is in summer, your call of relationship is in autumn, and your call of work is in spring. What might this mean for you?

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Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller

What’s Your Calling?

I get it. That’s a hard question. And it can be hard for a lot of reasons. For me, it was a challenge for a long time because I didn’t have a model of calling or vocation that was robust enough to fit my life. When I was in my 20s and 30s, I was really perplexed by this question of calling or vocation. I had grown up hearing that vocation meant living as a single person, being married, or being a priest or nun. Since I had chosen lay ministry as a career path – and felt deeply called to it – I didn’t see where I fit.

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Self-Leadership, Wholeness Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness Kathy Goller

Unlocking Vibrant Health

As women enter their 40s and beyond, prioritizing health and wellness becomes paramount. Maintaining good health not only enhances physical well-being but also empowers women to lead vibrant, fulfilling lives. In honor of National Women's Health and Fitness Day, we'll explore the top four health and wellness behavior changes that can make a profound difference in the lives of women over 40.

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Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller

Who Will You Encourage?

Did you know that September 12 each year is the National Day of Encouragement? The timing is not coincidental. Since September 11 is such a tragic day in American history, National Day of Encouragement is a counter-balance. It is a poignant reminder of the power of love and support that humans can offer one another – in grief, sorrow, difficulty, and tragedy. It is also a call to action – spurring us to do something simple to uplift someone else. So how will you observe the National Day of Encouragement this year?

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Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller

5 Quick Ways to Find More Joy

Are you looking for a little more joy in everyday life? (Yes, it’s a trick question. Who says “no, thanks” to more joy??) So let’s assume you’ve got a hankering for some added joy in your life. I invite you to try one of these quick tips for a little pick-me-up. They may be suggestions you’ve heard before, but maybe this is just the friendly little reminder you need to actually DO one of these things.

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Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller

Three Life Lessons I Learned from my Bottom Pantry Shelf

For nearly nine years, I wallowed in frustration at the mess of my pantry’s bottom shelf. And I’m embarrassed to say that it was only a few months ago that I made a life-altering change. I added a basket. Finally! Structure, neatness, organization. No more stacked and sliding bags. No more chaos. No more muttering and swearing. Why am I sharing this? Because I quickly saw the life lessons (ones that I’m clearly still learning), and thought you might relate.

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Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller

The Simple System for Productivity and Purpose

Review is all about noticing our energy, and it’s amazing what happens when we get intentional about noticing. In Atomic Habits, James Clear notes: “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”  Review is one of those systems that keeps me on track – and gets me BACK on track when (not if) I get off-track. It is the most important system I have for being both productive and purposeful.

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Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller

Knock Out the Next 90 Days with a 1 – 2 Punch

It doesn’t matter if your annual goals are still only sitting on paper and not coming to life. It’s OK if life sideswiped you earlier this year and you’re just now getting back in gear. If you’ve got a pile of half-done stuff sitting next to you and throwing guilt grenades at you, I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone. AND I’m going to share the 1-2 punch that will help you neutralize all those negative bombs with progress in the next 90 days.

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Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller

Simplifying Your Life

Next week is National Simplify Your Life week, and I want to help you celebrate it! Now, as a life coach, I honestly think that any week and every week can be a good time for simplifying our lives, but sometimes it’s nice to have an excuse to do something we’ve been dragging our feet on. And if you’re not sure how to appropriately mark such an ostentatious occasion, don’t worry – I’ve got you covered. Here are twenty ways to get started in simplifying your life – ten for your physical surroundings, and ten for your psychological world.

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Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller

How Do You Renew?

What do you think of when you hear the word “renew?” Your Netflix subscription? A weekend at a spa? Songs or prayers about the Holy Spirit? Activities that renew us generate energy, usually new or different energy. Renewal often involves a different environment from our norm, and it typically engages our brains differently than the usual activities of our days. For me, renew gives some “breathing room” in my week and provides needed balance. When I add renewal into my week, I notice that I feel like I am “living better” in those weeks.

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Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller

Alignment: Making Decisions Using Values

Values are one of the cornerstones for alignment. When I go for a chiropractic adjustment, my doctor needs to find just the right place to apply pressure. When considering our values, that pressure point for alignment is our decisions. Whether these are major life planning decisions, or everyday decisions made in response to situations that arise, values can impact the choices we make and the degree to which we feel aligned with who we were created to be.

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Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller

How to Start Practicing Rest

A few years ago, I realized that my standard answer to “How are you?” was <drumroll, please> “Busy!” That also seemed to be the usual reply I got from others when I’d ask them how they were. So busy. We’re all just so very, very busy. I realized that I was starting to assume busyness was the expected answer, and worse yet, I realized that sometimes I was wearing it like a badge of honor.

I decided that was an award that I didn’t need.

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