Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller

3 Tips to Vacation with Purpose

It's officially summer! For many of us – myself included – a “summer vacation” is coming up soon. But it’s truth-telling time: As much as we usually look forward to our vacation with eager anticipation, raise your hand if you’ve ever come home from a vacation thinking, “That really wasn’t nearly as satisfying as I’d hoped it would be.” (Yep, mine’s up too.)

So how will things be different this year? These three practices help me enter into vacation with more purpose – with more intentionality – and I thought maybe you’d like to try them too.

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Self-Leadership, Wholeness Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness Kathy Goller

Your Unique Needs: Shame or Freedom?

Eww. Did I just use the s-word in a blog title? Who talks about shame?? I do. Or at least I’m trying to. And I’ll admit that it’s more than a little uncomfortable. But I’m trying to share content with you that I think will actually matter to you, so I’m pushing myself to lean into the vulnerable spaces and lead the way into the deeper work of living an authentic, abundant life.

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Uncovering Needs through Strengths

There are so many dimensions to CliftonStrengths, and so many ways that we can understand ourselves more deeply. It gives us a powerful, positive affirmation of who we are and how we’re made. But what if our strengths could actually help us name our needs? It’s ok if that question makes you just a little uncomfortable or confused. It still makes me squirm a little.

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Self-Leadership, Purpose Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Purpose Kathy Goller

Faith is Taking the First Step

I was adrift. I was facing a career pivot and was being invited (read: forced) to AGAIN entertain the question, “What do I want to be when I grow up?” Then the question changed: “You’ve just been given a magic wand and any wishes in relation to any aspects of your life can come true. What might those ideal goals or wishes for your life be?”

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Self-Leadership Kathy Goller Self-Leadership Kathy Goller

Yes and No

“Let your ‘yes’ mean ‘yes’ and your ‘no’ mean ‘no.’” (Matt 5:37) I’ve been thinking about writing a blog about the challenges of those two seemingly simple words – yes and no – for a few weeks. So it was not really a surprise for me to hear that line from the Gospel of Matthew at Mass on Sunday. God has a way of nudging me and winking at me when I’m dragging my feet.

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Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Personality Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Personality Kathy Goller

The Enneagram: An Overture

In some circles, when the topic of the Enneagram comes up, people get all excited and start to rattle off numbers. With others, there’s a quizzical and skeptical look that emerges, and they might ask “Isn’t that a personality-cult-thing?” And still others respond with a blank look that tells me they have no idea what it is. So let’s give some basic info, dispel some myths, and start to build a common understanding.

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Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller

My Word of the Year

I’ve never done a “word of the year” before. Each January, Facebook friends far and wide post about their words, but it wasn’t until this year that I finally decided to try it out. I guess I just got around enough people who use this practice that I wanted to be like the cool kids.

Boy, was I surprised by my word!

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