Uncovering Needs through Strengths

There are so many dimensions to CliftonStrengths, and so many ways that we can understand ourselves more deeply. It gives us a powerful, positive affirmation of who we are and how we’re made. But what if our strengths could actually help us name our needs? It’s ok if that question makes you just a little uncomfortable or confused. It still makes me squirm a little.

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Self-Leadership, Purpose Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Purpose Kathy Goller

Faith is Taking the First Step

I was adrift. I was facing a career pivot and was being invited (read: forced) to AGAIN entertain the question, “What do I want to be when I grow up?” Then the question changed: “You’ve just been given a magic wand and any wishes in relation to any aspects of your life can come true. What might those ideal goals or wishes for your life be?”

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Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller Self-Leadership, Wholeness, Purpose Kathy Goller

My Word of the Year

I’ve never done a “word of the year” before. Each January, Facebook friends far and wide post about their words, but it wasn’t until this year that I finally decided to try it out. I guess I just got around enough people who use this practice that I wanted to be like the cool kids.

Boy, was I surprised by my word!

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