Uncovering Needs through Strengths
There are so many dimensions to CliftonStrengths, and so many ways that we can understand ourselves more deeply. It gives us a powerful, positive affirmation of who we are and how we’re made. But what if our strengths could actually help us name our needs? It’s ok if that question makes you just a little uncomfortable or confused. It still makes me squirm a little.
Living the Questions: A Story in 5 Parts
When I was 5 years old, my dad started his own business. He was a hazardous waste consultant. I still don’t really understand his work, but I’m pretty sure that it’s fair to say that he helped people figure out what to do with their garbage so that it didn’t do harm to the planet.
Faith is Taking the First Step
I was adrift. I was facing a career pivot and was being invited (read: forced) to AGAIN entertain the question, “What do I want to be when I grow up?” Then the question changed: “You’ve just been given a magic wand and any wishes in relation to any aspects of your life can come true. What might those ideal goals or wishes for your life be?”
Learning to Manage Time with Purpose
Last week, at a women’s networking event I attended, the emcee asked the group of about 80 professional women, “How many of you feel behind all the time – stressed, overwhelmed, and running all the time just to keep up?” Most hands in the room went up. Mine did not.
My Pitfalls with Managing Time
It would be super easy to write this blog with some tips and tricks for managing time better. But it doesn’t quite feel authentic for me to write that if I haven’t first shared the messes I’ve been in when it comes to time.
Learning to Love Me More
A few months ago, I was preparing to lead a CliftonStrengths discovery session with some college students, and I needed to run a quick errand. While in the car, I heard these lyrics: “Have you ever felt like being somebody else? Feeling like the mirror isn't good for your health?”
My Word of the Year
I’ve never done a “word of the year” before. Each January, Facebook friends far and wide post about their words, but it wasn’t until this year that I finally decided to try it out. I guess I just got around enough people who use this practice that I wanted to be like the cool kids.
Boy, was I surprised by my word!