“Refresh”ing Testimonials

These past program participants are as real as it gets! They’ve rediscovered their real selves, refreshed their real lives, and re-claimed their real power to lead their lives!


Barb Legere

My life was pretty good, and I just wanted to do a bit of refocusing to make my life more fulfilling as I move towards retirement.  I never anticipated the wake-up call I received.

I discovered a long-standing pattern in my life of being attentive to everyone else’s needs while diminishing my own.  I’d been expecting others to meet my needs – and I’d grown accustomed to swallowing the disappointment that inevitably resulted.  This process has realigned, refocused, and empowered me to speak up for my own needs.

Now I know where to put my personal energy.  I have a clear vision of where I’m going, who I want to be, and who I want to have with me.  Best of all, this program has given me the time and guidance to put that vision in a real, livable plan of action going forward.  Transforming this new vision into my new reality has taken me from “pretty good” to “fully alive!”


Patty Spear

I feel like this program chose me! I was feeling stuck - it was hard to look up and look forward because of the busyness and stress of my life and the challenges and changes in my work.  I knew needed a path and a guide if things were going to change.


This process gave me precious time to clarify my needs and values and help me to remember my gifts and my strengths. It brought back to life parts of me that I had forgotten. Having a community and a coach as support made all the difference.  I'm not stuck anymore!


I now have areas of focus that keep me grounded, a process to move forward on projects that matter to me, and most importantly: a way to reset when I start feeling stuck again.


Mary Madelyn M.

My schedule was out of control and seemed to be controlling me, and I was frustrated that I wasn’t able to make time for the things that were most important to me.  Plus, I was a few months into my new job and new life in a new city, and I felt unsettled.  I was impatient to develop new routines and rhythms, but I was unsure how to start doing that. 

Within a few weeks of this program, I quit my second job, broke my addiction to social media, decreased my overall screen time, and organized my apartment.  These intentional choices cleared away the things that were adding pressure and causing distraction, and they created the “white space” in my life for me to do the things that actually renew me.  I’ve found the stillness that I’d been craving.

I’ve gone from feeling overwhelmed to feeling capable.  I’m more settled and comfortable, and I’ve found a deeper peace as I gradually shift into living life the way I want to live it.  It’s a work in progress, but life definitely looks and feels different than it did just a few months ago.


Jeannette Kreher-Heberling

For most of my adult life, my work was my main – and often only – priority.  But since my marriage a few years ago, a lot has shifted in my life.  I needed a guided process to help me re-clarify my values and priorities, so that I could create a viable plan for the future and my next steps, personally and professionally.

This program brought focus and clarity about what’s most important to me now.  It’s changing how I show up in all facets of my life and helping me embody my values more fully


Leigh Tenkku Lepper

Before this program, I was overwhelmed by all the roles I was playing in life, especially in my parish’s ministry where I’d become the person that everyone called on to do whatever needed to be done.  I was on the verge of burnout, and I knew I needed to identify my roles more clearly.

I’ve gone from stuck to living intentionally.  I clarified my priorities and roles, but I also recognized my pattern of saying “yes” to others too often, usually to the detriment of my own genuine needs.  Now, with the confidence and tools to change that pattern, I’m making better decisions about who and what to prioritize and how to spend my time. 

As a result of this program, I’ve taken a deep look at who I am, what I believe and value, and how I’m living my everyday life, and I’m making brave choices to be who I really am and who I believe God is calling me to be!  I’ve even found direction about what I really want to do with the next phase of my life.  I’m going to fully retire from my professional work so that I can focus my time on reading, studying, and writing on the topics that mean the most to me. 


Donna Long

I entered into this program feeling like the missing piece of my life was myself.  I was tired and had desperately been searching for something that would help me to feel refreshed.  I’ve been a caregiver most of my life – for my 4 children when they were young, for my parents as they aged, and still today for my 30-year old autistic son.  The stress and exhaustion was impacting my life and work, causing me to forget two important commitments at work and get hit hard by illness. 

This program helped me shift from feeling out of control to feeling more focused.  It gave me the time and the tools to reconsider my priorities and is helping me run my life instead of letting life run me.

With that clarity, I’m making myself more of a priority.  This process helped me see that I need to be cared for, too.  I’ve made the decision to take care of myself and give myself the rest I need.  I’m learning to say “no.”  It’s tough, but also freeing and I like having the space to be choosy and consider what’s most fulfilling to me.


Beverly Fung

It’s hard to admit out loud, but I was questioning my worthiness and I wanted to love myself more.  I desperately wanted to appreciate myself more, to embrace my gifts, to stop comparing myself to others and feel like I was enoughMy life was “fine,” but I felt like there was something better for me.

I’d tried to figure it out on my own with self-help books and devotionals, podcasts and apps, social media groups and inspirational feeds, but it wasn’t enough.  I felt stuck, and all those easy fixes didn’t stick.  I was longing to be accompanied, and I knew I needed support and accountability from others.

This program helped me find my true self worth.  I’ve recognized my strengths and my needs and values, and I’m using those to be more intentional in my choices.  I’m finding more peace, breaking out of old patterns, and becoming the strong role model I want to be for my two sons.


Jenn Ledonne

I wanted ‘more’ in life, but I wasn’t sure what the ‘more’ was.  Professionally, I wanted to be a better leader and function more confidently in my role.  However, I struggled to make time for growth since I was always overstretched, taking on too much responsibility for things that weren’t really mine.

This program helped me step into the boldness and courage to take ownership of a major project at work.  More importantly, I’ve learned when not to take on responsibility, and I’ve released the guilt I used to feel about prioritizing my needs.

Because of this program, I’m living in an intentional way that balances the needs of those around me as well as my own.  The structure and guidance in this program have motivated and supported me to refresh my life and how I’m living it.  I’ve gone from feeling tentative to confident.  Life is more hopeful and exciting!