From Busy to Full

3 Steps to Create Space for What Matters

If you’re tired of the empty exhaustion of the busyness trap, this Masterclass will show you how to reclaim your life, your time, and your hope for a fulfilling life.

There’s a different way to move through life…

And it’s possible… for you.

You’ll learn the steps during this Masterclass!

Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

  • The 3 steps that unlock the grip that busyness has on your life and your calendar

  • How to become a whole “human being” again, not just a frantic “human doing”

  • Strategies that can help you decrease your load

  • Practical tips you can put into action right away to help you focus on what really matters

Who is this for?

[ + ] When asked how you are, most of the time you answer, “Busy.”

[ + ] You spend your days running from task to task, checking off all the boxes, yet somehow feeling like you’ve accomplished nothing that really matters?

[ + ] You wear your busyness like a badge of honor, but beneath it all, you often feel drained, disconnected, and even a little lost.

[ + ] Your calendar is full everyday… but you’re not sure you can say the same for your soul.

[ + ] You collapse into bed at night - exhausted but strangely unfulfilled - and wonder, “Is this just how life is supposed to feel?”

If any of these statements are your reality, do yourself a favor and do not miss this Masterclass…


or Full?

A busy life isn’t necessarily a fulfilling one. Busyness is about doing more, while fullness is about living more deeply. A full life doesn’t mean cramming every moment with activity; it means creating space for what truly matters.

What does “full” look like for you?

Is it more time for the people and activities that bring you joy? A greater sense of purpose in your work? Or maybe just the freedom to pause and truly savor the moment you’re in?

You don’t have to stay stuck in the busyness trap. It is possible to live differently—to trade exhaustion for intention and distraction for meaning.


That’s exactly the question I’ll be exploring in my upcoming free masterclass, From Busy to Full: 3 Steps to Create Space for What Matters.

It’s all about helping you take a step back, reflect on your current rhythms, and discover simple, practical ways to create more space for what truly matters in your life.

I won’t give it all away here—you’ll have to join us to get the full picture—but I can promise you this: the shift from busy to full is not only possible, it’s transformational.

Show Up LIVE to the Masterclass and you’ll get a free resource to help you start battling “busy” right away!

Shifting our activities from busy to full starts with a shift in our thinking. Adjusting our mindset - and the language we use - paves the way for the external changes we want.

BONUS: Busy-Busting Mindset Mantras!

This free pdf guide - especially when paired with the steps we’ll cover together in the Masterclass - will help you shift your mindset so that you can aim for fullness more often.

It’s only available if you join me LIVE in the Masterclass, so save your spot - and make sure you show up live to grab this bonus!


I’ve got answers.

  • Absolutely! We’ll be live on Zoom where we can even see each other and interact! If you’d rather be off-camera, that’s ok too. Show up however you’d like!

  • Hey, I get it, life happens. While I REALLY hope you’ll join us live (and get the extra special bonus I’m offering only to those who show up live), I will send out a replay the next day. So if something comes up and you can’t make it, don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.

  • Of course! There will be some interaction all throughout the session, and I’ve got time built in just to answer your questions.

Yes, I’m in!


A Note from Kathy

(your personal guide on the journey to break free from busy, reclaim your life, and find fulfillment…)

Why am I so passionate about this topic?

Well, if I’m being honest, it’s because I’ve been there – on the busyness treadmill – and I didn’t know there was another way.

But there IS!  There is a way to live from rest, not rush.  There is a way to tame your calendar, ease your anxieties, and be purposeful and productive instead.

I’ve learned it.  I live it.  And now I get to share it with you!! 

Because stuff this good is too good to keep to myself.

I can help you live a life that feels truly “full,” not just busy.  I’ll help you gain a fresh perspective about who you are and how you really want to live.  I’ll open you up to new possibilities for yourself and your life.  And I’ll help you find greater fulfillment as you live from a deeper sense of purpose… far from the exhaustion of busy.

And it all starts with this Masterclass.  So, please, make the time for it, friend.  I know you’re busy - but that’s exactly why you need this. So carve out the time for yourself.  I promise that I’ll make it worth your while!

Can’t wait to see you there!
